Given these principles and our current problems, American politics today needs to emphasize the promotion of common understandings. We also need to develop those understandings into a usable vision of the common good, and weave our increasingly diverse histories into a common history guided by cooperation in realizing that good.

But how? Some practical points are obvious. The first is the need to strengthen particular human ties. That requires stability of populations and a greater emphasis on local connections. And that means, among other things, less globalism, more emphasis on boundaries, restraint on immigration, and a bias toward localism and decentralization generally. And it further means restraining unaccountable elites—in the current jargon, draining the swamp.

More importantly, we need as Catholics and citizens to present our best understanding of God, man, and the common good. To do that we need to reject scientistic and technocratic understandings in favor of something more classical, organic, and in line with longstanding Catholic understandings of man and society. We are, after all, living beings with natural, historical, cultural, and spiritual dimensions rather than abstract economic agents, self-creating supermen, or components in an industrial process. – James Kalb

– Is America good or evil?

Ingen tvil om at Norge har blitt et meget ondt og angstfylt land, Kai oppsummerer svært godt i denne artikkelen:

– Norway willing to destroy their nature….to save it.

Personlig holder jeg fast på de fire H’er:

  • Husmannstroen
  • Husmannskosten
  • Husmannsteknologien
  • Husmannsdemokratiet

Husmannstroen har jeg kommet til at ikke kan leve uten himmelengene, derfor må disse frigjøres. Men man kan ikke sloss for dette, man kan kun tårefotografere, og håpe på fotografiets kraft.
